

The GFcalc module defines the GFCrystalcalc class for the evaluation of the vacancy Green function.

GFcalc module

Code to compute the lattice Green function for diffusion; this entails inverting the “diffusion” matrix, which is infinite, singular, and has translational invariance. The solution involves fourier transforming to reciprocal space, inverting, and inverse fourier transforming back to real (lattice) space. The complication is that the inversion produces a second order pole which must be treated analytically. Subtracting off the pole then produces a discontinuity at the gamma-point (q=0), which also should be treated analytically. Then, the remaining function can be numerically inverse fourier transformed.

class GFcalc.GFCrystalcalc(crys, chem, sitelist, jumpnetwork, Nmax=4, kptwt=None)[source]

Class calculator for the Green function, designed to work with the Crystal class.

This computes the bare vacancy GF. It requires a crystal, chemical identity for the vacancy, list of symmetry unique sites (to define energies / entropies uniquely), and a corresponding jumpnetwork for that vacancy.

BlockInvertOmegaTaylor(dd, dr, rd, rr, D)[source]

Returns block inverted omega as a Taylor expansion, up to Nmax = 0 (discontinuity correction). Needs to be rotated such that leading order of D is isotropic.

  • dd – diffusive/diffusive block (upper left)

  • dr – diffusive/relaxive block (lower left)

  • rd – relaxive/diffusive block (upper right)

  • rr – relaxive/relaxive block (lower right)

  • D\(dd - dr (rr)^{-1} rd\) (diffusion)

Return gT

Taylor expansion of g in block form, and reduced (collected terms)


Returns block partitioned Taylor expansion of a rotated omega Taylor expansion.


omega_Taylor_rotate – rotated into diffusive [0] / relaxive [1:] basis

Return dd

diffusive/diffusive block (upper left)

Return dr

diffusive/relaxive block (lower left)

Return rd

relaxive/diffusive block (upper right)

Return rr

relaxive/relaxive block (lower right)

Return D

\(dd - dr (rr)^{-1} rd\) (diffusion)

Return etav

\((rr)^{-1} rd\) (relaxation vector)


Takes in a crystal, and a chemistry, and constructs the indexing breakdown for each (i,j) pair. :return grouparray: array[NG][3][3] of the NG group operations :return indexpair: array[N][N][NG][2] of the index pair for each group operation


Diagonalize the gamma point (q=0) term


omega – optional; the Taylor expansion to use. If None, use self.omega_Taylor

Return r

array of eigenvalues, sorted from 0 to decreasing values.

Return vr

array of eigenvectors where vr[:,i] is the vector for eigenvalue r[i]


Return the diffusivity, or compute it if it’s not already known. Uses omega_Taylor_D to compute with maximum efficiency.


omega_Taylor_D – Taylor expansion of the diffusivity component

Return D

diffusivity [3,3] array

FourierTransformJumps(jumpnetwork, N, kpts)[source]

Generate the Fourier transform coefficients for each jump

  • jumpnetwork – list of unique transitions, as lists of ((i,j), dx)

  • N – number of sites

  • kpts – array[Nkpt][3], in Cartesian (same coord. as dx)

Return FTjumps

array[Njump][Nkpt][Nsite][Nsite] of FT of the jump network

Return SEjumps

array[Nsite][Njump] multiplicity of jump on each site

SetRates(pre, betaene, preT, betaeneT, pmaxerror=1e-08)[source]

(Re)sets the rates, given the prefactors and Arrhenius factors for the sites and transitions, using the ordering according to sitelist and jumpnetwork. Initiates all of the calculations so that GF calculation is (fairly) efficient for each input.

  • pre – list of prefactors for site probabilities

  • betaene – list of beta*E (energy/kB T) for each site

  • preT – list of prefactors for transition states

  • betaeneT – list of beta*ET (energy/kB T) for each transition state

  • pmaxerror – parameter controlling error from pmax value. Should be same order as integration error.

SymmRates(pre, betaene, preT, betaeneT)[source]

Returns a list of lists of symmetrized rates, matched to jumpnetwork

TaylorExpandJumps(jumpnetwork, N)[source]

Generate the Taylor expansion coefficients for each jump

  • jumpnetwork – list of unique transitions, as lists of ((i,j), dx)

  • N – number of sites

Return T3Djumps

list of Taylor3D expansions of the jump network

__call__(i, j, dx)[source]

Evaluate the Green function from site i to site j, separated by vector dx

  • i – site index

  • j – site index

  • dx – vector pointing from i to j (can include lattice contributions)

Return G

Green function value

__init__(crys, chem, sitelist, jumpnetwork, Nmax=4, kptwt=None)[source]

Initializes our calculator with the appropriate topology / connectivity. Doesn’t require, at this point, the site probabilities or transition rates to be known.

  • crys – Crystal object

  • chem – index identifying the diffusing species

  • sitelist – list, grouped into Wyckoff common positions, of unique sites

  • jumpnetwork – list of unique transitions as lists of ((i,j), dx)

  • Nmax – maximum range as estimator for kpt mesh generation

  • kptwt – (optional) tuple of (kpts, wts) to short-circuit kpt mesh generation


Return str(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Adds an HDF5 representation of object into an HDF5group (needs to already exist).

Example: if f is an open HDF5, then GFcalc.addhdf5(f.create_group(‘GFcalc’)) will (1) create the group named ‘GFcalc’, and then (2) put the GFcalc representation in that group.


HDF5group – HDF5 group


Return the bias correction, or compute it if it’s not already known. Uses etav to compute.


etav – Taylor expansion of the bias correction

Return eta

[N,3] array


Return the array of exp(-i q.dx) evaluated over the q-points, and accounting for symmetry


dx – vector

Return exp(-i q.dx)

array of \(\exp(-i \cdot dx)\)

classmethod loadhdf5(crys, HDF5group)[source]

Creates a new GFcalc from an HDF5 group.

  • crys – crystal object–MUST BE PASSED IN as it is not stored with the GFcalc

  • HDFgroup – HDF5 group

Return GFcalc

new GFcalc object

static networkcount(jumpnetwork, N)[source]

Return a count of how many separate connected networks there are