Source code for supercell

Supercell class

Class to store supercells of crystals. A supercell is a lattice model of a crystal, with
periodically repeating unit cells. In that framework we can

1. add/remove/substitute atoms
2. find the transformation map between two different representations of the same supercell
3. output POSCAR format (possibly other formats?)

__author__ = 'Dallas R. Trinkle'

import numpy as np
import collections, copy, itertools, warnings
from numbers import Integral
from onsager import crystal
from functools import reduce

# TODO: add "parser"--read CONTCAR file, create Supercell
# TODO: output PairState from Supercell

[docs]class Supercell(object): """ A class that defines a Supercell of a crystal. Takes in a crystal, a supercell (3x3 integer matrix). We can identify sites as interstitial sites, and specify if we'll have solutes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, crys, super, interstitial=(), Nsolute=0, empty=False, NOSYM=False): """ Initialize our supercell to an empty supercell. :param crys: crystal object :param super: 3x3 integer matrix :param interstitial: (optional) list/tuple of indices that correspond to interstitial sites :param Nsolute: (optional) number of substitutional solute elements to consider; default=0 :param empty: (optional) designed to allow "copy" to work--skips all derived info :param NOSYM: (optional) does not do symmetry analysis (intended ONLY for testing purposes) """ self.crys = crys self.super = super.copy() self.interstitial = copy.deepcopy(interstitial) self.Nchem = crys.Nchem + Nsolute if Nsolute > 0 else crys.Nchem if empty: return # everything else that follows is "derived" from those initial parameters self.lattice =, self.super) self.N = self.crys.N self.atomindices, self.indexatom = self.crys.atomindices, \ {ci: n for n, ci in enumerate(self.crys.atomindices)} self.chemistry = [crys.chemistry[n] if n < crys.Nchem else '' for n in range(self.Nchem + 1)] self.chemistry[-1] = 'v' self.Wyckofflist, self.Wyckoffchem = [], [] for n, (c, i) in enumerate(self.atomindices): for wset in self.Wyckofflist: if n in wset: break if len(self.Wyckofflist) == 0 or n not in wset: # grab the set of (c,i) of Wyckoff sets (next returns first that matches, None if none): indexset = next((iset for iset in self.crys.Wyckoff if (c, i) in iset), None) self.Wyckofflist.append(frozenset([self.indexatom[ci] for ci in indexset])) self.Wyckoffchem.append(self.crys.chemistry[c]) self.size, self.invsuper, self.translist, self.transdict = self.maketrans(self.super) # self.transdict = {tuple(t):n for n,t in enumerate(self.translist)} self.pos, self.occ = self.makesites(), -1 * np.ones(self.N * self.size, dtype=int) self.chemorder = [[] for n in range(self.Nchem)] if NOSYM: self.G = frozenset([crystal.GroupOp.ident([self.pos])]) else: self.G = self.gengroup()
# some attributes we want to do equate, others we want deepcopy. Equate should not be modified. __copyattr__ = ('lattice', 'N', 'chemistry', 'size', 'invsuper', 'Wyckofflist', 'Wyckoffchem', 'occ', 'chemorder') __eqattr__ = ('atomindices', 'indexatom', 'translist', 'transdict', 'pos', 'G')
[docs] def copy(self): """ Make a copy of the supercell; initializes, then copies over ``__copyattr__`` and ``__eqattr__``. :return: new supercell object, copy of the original """ supercopy = self.__class__(self.crys, self.super, self.interstitial, self.Nchem - self.crys.Nchem, empty=True) for attr in self.__copyattr__: setattr(supercopy, attr, copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, attr))) for attr in self.__eqattr__: setattr(supercopy, attr, getattr(self, attr)) return supercopy
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Return True if two supercells are equal; this means they should have the same occupancy. *and* the same ordering :param other: supercell for comparison :return: True if same crystal, supercell, occupancy, and ordering; False otherwise """ return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and np.all(self.super == other.super) and \ self.interstitial == other.interstitial and np.allclose(self.pos, other.pos) and \ np.all(self.occ == other.occ) and self.chemorder == other.chemorder
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Inequality == not __eq__""" return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def stoichiometry(self): """Return a string representing the current stoichiometry""" return ','.join([c + '_i({})'.format(len(l)) if n in self.interstitial else c + '({})'.format(len(l)) for n, c, l in zip(itertools.count(), self.chemistry, self.chemorder)])
[docs] def __str__(self): """Human readable version of supercell""" str = "Supercell of crystal:\n{crys}\n".format(crys=self.crys) str += "Supercell vectors:\n{}\nChemistry: ".format(self.super.T) str += self.stoichiometry() str += '\nKroger-Vink: ' + self.KrogerVink() str += '\nPositions:\n' str += '\n'.join([u.__str__() + ' ' + self.chemistry[o] for u, o in zip(self.pos, self.occ)]) str += '\nOrdering:\n' str += '\n'.join([u.__str__() + ' ' + c for c, ulist in zip(self.chemistry, self.occposlist()) for u in ulist]) return str
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """ Multiply by a GroupOp; returns a new supercell (constructed via copy). :param other: must be a GroupOp (and *should* be a GroupOp of the supercell!) :return: rotated supercell """ if not isinstance(other, crystal.GroupOp): return NotImplemented gsuper = self.copy() gsuper *= other return gsuper
[docs] def __rmul__(self, other): """ Multiply by a GroupOp; returns a new supercell (constructed via copy). :param other: must be a GroupOp (and *should* be a GroupOp of the supercell!) :return: rotated supercell """ if not isinstance(other, crystal.GroupOp): return NotImplemented return self.__mul__(other)
[docs] def __imul__(self, other): """ Multiply by a GroupOp, in place. :param other: must be a GroupOp (and *should* be a GroupOp of the supercell!) :return: self """ if not isinstance(other, crystal.GroupOp): return NotImplemented # This requires some careful manipulation: we need to modify (1) occ, and (2) chemorder indexmap = other.indexmap[0] gocc = self.occ.copy() for ind, gind in enumerate(indexmap): gocc[gind] = self.occ[ind] self.occ = gocc self.chemorder = [[indexmap[ind] for ind in clist] for clist in self.chemorder] return self
[docs] def index(self, pos, threshold=1.): """ Return the index that corresponds to the position *closest* to pos in the supercell. Done in direct coordinates of the supercell, using periodic boundary conditions. :param pos: 3-vector :param threshold: (optional) minimum squared "distance" in supercell for a match; default=1. :return index: index of closest position """ index, dist2 = None, threshold for ind, u in enumerate(self.pos): delta = crystal.inhalf(pos - u) d2 = np.sum(delta * delta) if d2 < dist2: index, dist2 = ind, d2 return index
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Index into supercell :param key: index (either an int, a slice, or a position) :return: chemical occupation at that point """ if isinstance(key, Integral) or isinstance(key, slice): return self.occ[key] if isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.shape == (3,): return self.occ[self.index(key)] raise TypeError('Inappropriate key {}'.format(key))
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Set specific composition for site; uses same indexing as __getitem__ :param key: index (either an int, a slice, or a position) :param value: chemical occupation at that point """ if isinstance(key, slice): return NotImplemented index = None if isinstance(key, Integral): index = key if isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.shape == (3,): index = self.index(key) self.setocc(index, value)
[docs] def __sane__(self): """Return True if supercell occupation and chemorder are consistent""" occset = set() for c, clist in enumerate(self.chemorder): for ind in clist: # check that occupancy (from chemorder) is correct: if self.occ[ind] != c: return False # record as an occupied state occset.add(ind) # now make sure that every site *not* in occset is, in fact, vacant for ind, c in enumerate(self.occ): if ind not in occset: if c != -1: return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def maketrans(super): """ Takes in a supercell matrix, and returns a list of all translations of the unit cell that remain inside the supercell :param super: 3x3 integer matrix :return size: integer, corresponding to number of unit cells :return invsuper: integer matrix inverse of supercell (needs to be divided by size) :return translist: list of integer vectors (to be divided by ``size``) corresponding to unit cell positions :return transdict: dictionary of tuples and their corresponding index (inverse of trans) """ size = abs(int(np.round(np.linalg.det(super)))) if size==0: raise ZeroDivisionError('Tried to use a singular supercell.') invsuper = np.round(np.linalg.inv(super) * size).astype(int) maxN = abs(super).max() translist, transdict = [], {} for nvect in [np.array((n0, n1, n2)) for n0 in range(-maxN, maxN + 1) for n1 in range(-maxN, maxN + 1) for n2 in range(-maxN, maxN + 1)]: tv =, nvect) % size ttup = tuple(tv) if ttup not in transdict: transdict[ttup] = len(translist) translist.append(tv) if len(translist) != size: raise ArithmeticError( 'Somehow did not generate the correct number of translations? {}!={}'.format(size, len(translist))) return size, invsuper, translist, transdict
[docs] def makesites(self): """ Generate the array corresponding to the sites; the indexing is based on the translations and the atomindices in crys. These may not all be filled when the supercell is finished. :return pos: array [N*size, 3] of supercell positions in direct coordinates """ invsize = 1 / self.size basislist = [, self.crys.basis[c][i]) for (c, i) in self.atomindices] return np.array([crystal.incell((t + u) * invsize) for t in self.translist for u in basislist])
[docs] def gengroup(self): """ Generate the group operations internal to the supercell :return G: set of GroupOps """ Glist = [] unittranslist = [, t) // self.size for t in self.translist] invsize = 1 / self.size for g0 in self.crys.G: Rsuper =,, self.super)) if not np.all(Rsuper % self.size == 0): warnings.warn( 'Broken symmetry? GroupOp:\n{}\nnot a symmetry operation of supercell?\nRsuper=\n{}'.format(g0, Rsuper), RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) continue else: # divide out the size (in inverse super). Should still be an integer matrix (and hence, a symmetry) Rsuper //= self.size for u in unittranslist: # first, make the corresponding group operation by adding the unit cell translation: g = g0 + u # translation vector *in the supercell*; go ahead and keep it inside the supercell, too. tsuper = (, g.trans) % self.size) * invsize # finally: indexmap!! indexmap = [] for R in unittranslist: for ci in self.atomindices: Rp, ci1 = self.crys.g_pos(g, R, ci) # A little confusing, but: # [n]^-1*Rp -> translation, but needs to be mod self.size # convert to a tuple, to the index into transdict # THEN multiply by self.N, and add the index of the new Wyckoff site. Whew! indexmap.append( self.transdict[tuple(, Rp) % self.size)] * self.N + self.indexatom[ci1]) if len(set(indexmap)) != self.N * self.size: raise ArithmeticError('Did not produce a correct index mapping for GroupOp:\n{}'.format(g)) Glist.append(crystal.GroupOp(rot=Rsuper, cartrot=g0.cartrot, trans=tsuper, indexmap=(tuple(indexmap),))) return frozenset(Glist)
[docs] def definesolute(self, c, chemistry): """ Set the name of the chemistry of chemical index c. Only works for substitutional solutes. :param c: index :param chemistry: string """ if c < self.crys.Nchem or c >= self.Nchem: raise IndexError('Trying to set the chemistry for a lattice atom / vacancy') self.chemistry[c] = chemistry
[docs] def setocc(self, ind, c): """ Set the occupancy of position indexed by ind, to chemistry c. Used by all the other algorithms. :param ind: integer index :param c: chemistry index """ if c < -2 or c > self.crys.Nchem: raise IndexError('Trying to occupy with a non-defined chemistry: {} out of range'.format(c)) corig = self.occ[ind] if corig != c: if corig >= 0: # remove from chemorder list (if not vacancy) co = self.chemorder[corig] co.pop(co.index(ind)) if c >= 0: # add to chemorder list (if not vacancy) self.chemorder[c].append(ind) # finally: set the occupancy self.occ[ind] = c
[docs] def fillperiodic(self, ci, Wyckoff=True): """ Occupies all of the (Wyckoff) sites corresponding to chemical index with the appropriate chemistry. :param ci: tuple of (chem, index) in crystal :param Wyckoff: (optional) if False, *only* occupy the specific tuple, but still periodically :return self: """ if __debug__: if ci not in self.indexatom: raise IndexError('Tuple {} not a corresponding atom index'.format(ci)) ind = self.indexatom[ci] indlist = next((nset for nset in self.Wyckofflist if ind in nset), None) if Wyckoff else (ind,) for i in [n * self.N + i for n in range(self.size) for i in indlist]: self.setocc(i, ci[0]) return self
[docs] def occposlist(self): """ Returns a list of lists of occupied positions, in (chem)order. :return occposlist: list of lists of supercell coord. positions """ return [[self.pos[ind] for ind in clist] for clist in self.chemorder]
[docs] def POSCAR(self, name=None, stoichiometry=True): """ Return a VASP-style POSCAR, returned as a string. :param name: (optional) name to use for first list :param stoichiometry: (optional) if True, append stoichiometry to name :return POSCAR: string """ POSCAR = "" if name is None else name if stoichiometry: POSCAR += " " + self.stoichiometry() POSCAR += """ 1.0 {a[0][0]:21.16f} {a[1][0]:21.16f} {a[2][0]:21.16f} {a[0][1]:21.16f} {a[1][1]:21.16f} {a[2][1]:21.16f} {a[0][2]:21.16f} {a[1][2]:21.16f} {a[2][2]:21.16f} """.format(a=self.lattice) POSCAR += ' '.join(['{}'.format(len(clist)) for clist in self.chemorder]) POSCAR += '\nDirect\n' POSCAR += '\n'.join([" {u[0]:19.16f} {u[1]:19.16f} {u[2]:19.16f}".format(u=u) for clist in self.occposlist() for u in clist]) # needs a trailing newline return POSCAR + '\n'
__vacancyformat__ = "v_{sitechem}" __interstitialformat__ = "{chem}_i" __antisiteformat__ = "{chem}_{sitechem}"
[docs] def defectindices(self): """ Return a dictionary that corresponds to the "defect" content of the supercell. :return defects: dictionary, keyed by defect type, with a set of indices of corresponding defects """ def adddefect(name, index): if name in defects: defects[name].add(index) else: defects[name] = set([index]) defects = {} sitechem = [self.chemistry[c] for (c, i) in self.atomindices] for wset, chem in zip(self.Wyckofflist, self.Wyckoffchem): for i in wset: if self.atomindices[i][0] in self.interstitial: for n in range(self.size): ind = n * self.N + i c = self.occ[ind] if c != -1: adddefect(self.__interstitialformat__.format(chem=self.chemistry[c]), ind) else: sc = sitechem[i] for n in range(self.size): ind = n * self.N + i c = self.occ[ind] if self.chemistry[c] != sc: name = self.__vacancyformat__.format(sitechem=sitechem[i]) \ if c == -1 else \ self.__antisiteformat__.format(chem=self.chemistry[c], sitechem=sc) adddefect(name, ind) return defects
[docs] def KrogerVink(self): """ Attempt to make a "simple" string based on the defectindices, using Kroger-Vink notation. That is, we identify: vacancies, antisites, and interstitial sites, and return a string. NOTE: there is no relative charges, so this is a pseudo-KV notation. :return KV: string representation """ defects = self.defectindices() return '+'.join(["{}{}".format(len(defects[name]), name) if len(defects[name]) > 1 else name for name in sorted(defects.keys())])
[docs] def reorder(self, mapping): """ Reorder (in place) the occupied sites. Does not change the occupancies, only the ordering for "presentation". :param mapping: list of maps; will make newchemorder[c][i] = chemorder[c][mapping[c][i]] :return self: If mapping is not a proper permutation, raises ValueError. """ neworder = [[clist[cmap[i]] for i in range(len(clist))] for clist, cmap in zip(self.chemorder, mapping)] self.chemorder, oldorder = neworder, self.chemorder if not self.__sane__(): self.chemorder = oldorder raise ValueError('Mapping {} is not a proper permutation'.format(mapping)) return self
[docs] def equivalencemap(self, other): """ Given the super ``other`` we want to find a group operation that transforms ``self`` into other. This is a GroupOp *along* with an index mapping of chemorder. The index mapping is to get the occposlist to match up: ``(g*self).occposlist()[c][mapping[c][i]] == other.occposlist()[c][i]`` (We can write a similar expression using chemorder, since chemorder indexes into pos). We're going to return both g and mapping. *Remember:* ``g`` does not change the presentation ordering; ``mapping`` is necessary for full equivalence. If no such equivalence, return ``None,None``. :param other: Supercell :return g: GroupOp to transform sites from ``self`` to ``other`` :return mapping: list of maps, such that (g*self).chemorder[c][mapping[c][i]] == other.chemorder[c][i] """ # 1. check that our defects even match up: selfdefects, otherdefects = self.defectindices(), other.defectindices() for k, v in selfdefects.items(): if k not in otherdefects: return None, None if len(v) != len(otherdefects[k]): return None, None for k, v in otherdefects.items(): if k not in selfdefects: return None, None if len(v) != len(selfdefects[k]): return None, None # 2. identify the shortest common set of defects: defcount = {k: len(v) for k, v in selfdefects.items()} deftype = min(defcount, key=defcount.get) # key to min value from dictionary shortset, matchset = selfdefects[deftype], otherdefects[deftype] mapping = None gocc = self.occ.copy() for g in self.G: # 3. check against the shortest list of defects: indexmap = g.indexmap[0] if any(indexmap[i] not in matchset for i in shortset): continue # 4. having checked that shortlist, check the full mapping: for ind, gind in enumerate(indexmap): gocc[gind] = self.occ[ind] if np.any(gocc != other.occ): continue # 5. we have a winner. Now it's all up to getting the mapping; done with index() gorder = [[indexmap[ind] for ind in clist] for clist in self.chemorder] mapping = [] for gclist, otherlist in zip(gorder, other.chemorder): mapping.append([gclist.index(index) for index in otherlist]) break if mapping is None: return None, mapping return g, mapping